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Track Multiple Opportunities to Convert Leads

2 min read


In the fast-paced world of aesthetic medicine, managing multiple opportunities for a single client is often the norm. Whether it’s different treatment plans, various product interests, or multiple locations, having the ability to track and nurture each opportunity individually is crucial. That’s why we’re excited to introduce LeadAR’s latest feature: Allow Multiple Opportunities in Workflows.

What’s New? #

LeadAR has always been at the forefront of CRM innovation for aesthetic practices. With our new Allow Multiple Opportunities toggle, we’re taking workflow management to the next level. This powerful feature enables workflows to handle multiple opportunities for the same contact, with each contact-opportunity pair having its own unique workflow execution.

Why It Matters #

Imagine you’re working with a client interested in both a facial rejuvenation package and a body contouring treatment. Previously, you might have had to choose which opportunity to prioritize in your workflow. Now, with the “Allow Multiple Opportunities” feature, you can nurture both interests simultaneously, ensuring no opportunity falls through the cracks.

How It Works #

When you enable the Allow Multiple Opportunities toggle:

  1. Each opportunity associated with a contact will have a separate execution in the workflow.
  2. Updates to an opportunity won’t restart the workflow. Instead, it continues from the current stage, using the updated opportunity values.

This means you can tailor your communication and follow-up strategies for each specific opportunity, providing a more personalized experience for your clients.

Setting It Up #

We’ve already enabled this game-changing feature through out Beta Labs program!

For existing workflows, the toggle will be off by default to maintain their original functionality. New workflows will have it enabled automatically, allowing you to leverage this powerful feature from the start.

Real-World Application #

Let’s look at how this feature can transform your client interactions:

Sarah, a potential client, expresses interest in both a chemical peel and a laser hair removal package. With the Allow Multiple Opportunities feature enabled:

  • You can create separate opportunities for each treatment.
  • Your workflow can send tailored information about chemical peels to nurture that interest.
  • Simultaneously, it can provide educational content about laser hair removal for the second opportunity.
  • If Sarah decides to move forward with the chemical peel, that workflow can progress to booking and pre-treatment instructions.
  • Meanwhile, the laser hair removal opportunity can continue in its nurturing phase without interference.

This level of customization ensures that each of Sarah’s interests receives the attention it deserves, increasing the likelihood of conversion for both opportunities.

The Impact on Your Practice #

By implementing the Allow Multiple Opportunities feature, you can expect to see:

  1. Increased Conversion Rates: By nurturing each opportunity individually, you’re more likely to convert multiple treatments or products per client.
  2. Enhanced Client Experience: Clients receive information relevant to each of their interests, demonstrating your attention to their specific needs.
  3. Improved Workflow Efficiency: No need to create separate contacts for different opportunities, streamlining your CRM management.
  4. Better Tracking and Reporting: Gain insights into which opportunities are most likely to convert, helping you refine your marketing strategies.

Conclusion #

LeadAR’s Allow Multiple Opportunities feature is more than just a new toggle – it’s a powerful tool that can revolutionize how you manage client relationships and nurture sales opportunities. By providing the flexibility to handle multiple interests per client, you’re not just streamlining your workflow; you’re opening the door to increased revenue and improved client satisfaction.

Ready to take your practice management to the next level? Log in to LeadAR today and enable the “Allow Multiple Opportunities” feature in your workflows. If you’re new to LeadAR and want to see how this feature can transform your aesthetic practice, book a demo with our expert team. Let’s unleash the full potential of your practice together!

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